
2019, 2007, 1995, 1983, 1971, 1959

Pig Monthly Horoscope: January 2025Moving into 2025 is going to feel like the fresh start that it is, but also that you have had a mental shift. This is less a case of the calendar ticking over and more thanks to the New Moon on New Year's Eve that ushered in the month of the Ox, something that is so new that the Ox Moon that ushered this in, is still running its course on New Year's Day. For the Pig, the Ox is the Swizz army knife of any lunar cycle, with a tool for every occasion. The Ox makes you mentally sharper, better able to think on your feet and can enhance all aspects of communication, something that is an advantage in every aspect of your life. The New Moon on 29th January will bring the month of the Ox to a close while ushering in the month of the Tiger and its focus on home and family. This will also bring the busy Year of the Dragon to a close while ushering in the Year of the Snake and its focus on your relationships.
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