
2016, 2004, 1992, 1980, 1968, 1956

Monkey Monthly Horoscope: December 2024The way that the New Moons fall, apart from the final hours, the whole of December will belong to the Rat and for you, this is good news in more ways than one. The fun, playful, romantic and creative month of the Rat will begin on 1st November and end on 31st December when a New Moon on New Year's Eve will usher in the busy, industrious and work focused month of the Ox and what could be a busy start to 2025. It is not just the Rat's playful and creative influence that makes this such a good month but the fact that as part of your triad of affinity, life will flow more smoothly. However, for the first time in 12 years, this is playing out during the adventurous Year of the Dragon. As well as putting the focus on the playful, creative and adventurous side of life's fence the Monkey, Dragon and the Rat are the best of friends.
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