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Jun 21 - Jul 22

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Cancer Weekly horoscope for Jul 22 to Jul 28, 2024

In a case of pure coincidence, just as the Sun is leaving Cancer on Monday and bringing your birthday month to a close, Mars is spending his first full day in a nostalgic and reflective part of your chart as he brings you to the start of the six week wind down of your current Mars cycle. This will keep the doors open to the past, present and future and while you might not feel that you are fully ready to embrace this new solar year, it means that you have time to explore new options and prepare. With Mars set to spend a lot of time in Cancer between September 2024 and April 2025, this allows you to hold something back in reserve and especially when it comes to the things that are personal to you. Meanwhile, the Sun will not only return to your income sector on Monday but just as the dwarf planet Eris' retrograde turn opens the doors to the past, second chances and untapped professional potential. Thanks to Venus and Mercury this is something that new income potential is already piggybacking off.

Love & Romance

Thanks to the Moon's return to your romantic and relationship sectors last week, both just days after Venus left Cancer, this was a chance to reinforce and tweak the planet of love's mission to update your romantic and relationship desires and expectations for the coming year. It was the Moon's friendly aspect to the Sun as it moved through your romantic sector that shone the solar spotlight on the spirit of romance, giving you a better sense of what your heart is telling you. Meanwhile, it was over the weekend that the Moon not only put the focus on your relationships, but Sunday's Full Moon put a balance between your own and your relationship needs to the test in the last full day of your birthday month. The Moon left shortly after, but as the Sun leaves on Monday your birthday month will end with a more authentic sense of what you want from your relationships and what they need from you. While there are already planets in your communication sector that can keep the communication lines open Mercury, the planet of communication's return on Friday will make this even easier.

Business & Career

While the Moon left your career sector on Friday, this has not only left you with your professional instincts and imagination fuelled but by the time you move into the new working week, having had time over the weekend to first unpack a download of information from across the income, work and career fronts. These monthly visits will always see the Moon connect with the North Node and both planets in your career sector, giving you an intuitive read on work and job matters but also a window into how this fits into the wider professional landscape. The difference this time is that for the first time this year, the Moon returns to find planets in your income sector. By the time the Sun joins Venus and Mercury in your income sector on Monday, you will already be several weeks into the most lucrative months of 2024. It is just as the Sun returns that the dwarf planet Eris will turn retrograde in your career sector, followed by Chiron over the weekend. By the time the Moon returns on Friday, new doors will be opening on the income front while on the career front they are opening to the past.


As you move into the new week there is a lot going on and that includes on both sides of the financial fence. So much so that you might need to wait until Wednesday to get a clearer picture. The week is getting off to an empowered start but as both sides of the financial fence will be competing for your attention, with the potential for some financial tension while having the Moon involved could shroud things in the emotional fog of war. Monday and Tuesday are when the biggest changes are happening, with the Sun returning to your income sector on Monday but straight into opposition with Pluto on the other side of the financial fence in your financial sector. However, this is when a friendly aspect between Mars, in his early days in an intuitive and imaginative part of your chart and Pluto in your financial sector will also peak. With Mercury's smart head for money to draw on until he leaves your income sector on Friday and with Venus, the planet of money here for another two weeks, once the congestion clears you will appreciate how this is powering up both sides of the financial fence.


There might be some conflicting influences on Monday, making it important not to jump into anything too fast while letting the week find its own pace and slowly adapt to it on your own terms. On the one hand, as the Sun leaves Cancer on Monday there is a chance to look to the future with confidence, though the weekend's Full Moon may have drained you physically or emotionally. At the same time, Monday is Mars' first full day in a nostalgic and reflective part of your chart, with the planet that gives us our get up and go beginning a six week focus on recharging your batteries.

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