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Virgo horoscope for October 2024

While the Sun will always spend the first three weeks of October in your income sector and this can be the epicentre of the most potentially lucrative weeks of any year, there is rarely any planetary activity in either of your two professional houses to support this. This year you not only have Jupiter, planet of luck and expansion in your career sector but while Pluto is no longer in your work sector, he only left last month and will be back next month. Pluto was still there when Venus and the asteroid Juno returned to begin the first planetary activity on the income front this year and both spent their early days at a friendly aspect to the planet of change and transformation.

Venus has left but Juno, the queen of commitment is here all month and until Mercury leaves on 14th October and the Sun on 23rd October, she is not only helping you to stay committed but is keeping Pluto's influence on the job front alive. Pluto is only gone from your work sector for 11 weeks and a direct turn on 12th October will see him turn around and start heading back. This is three days after Jupiter's retrograde turn in your career sector on 9th October. Jupiter already has the brakes on as you move into the new month, taking away the urgency but increasing the link between new income potential and the doors this will open to the past, second chances and untapped professional potential.

Meanwhile, Venus has not only moved on but begins the month in your communication sector and where, until leaving on 18th October and as the planet of love, she will be working to give your heart and your relationships a voice. Taking over from her will be Mercury, the planet of communication's return on 14th October and the Sun's return on 23rd October, keeping the momentum going and the communication lines open. This will be done in partnership with both planets in your relationship sector but also with Mars, who will spend the whole of October in your sector of friendship, teamwork and networking.

Love & Romance

Having retrograded back in on 3rd September and due to leave again on 20th November, not to return again in our lifetime this is Pluto, the planet of change, transformation and rebellion's first, last and only full month back in your romantic sector. However, it is also a month of two halves, with Pluto slowing to a point where he will need to come to a standstill in order to turn direct on 12th October. It is that direct turn that will see Pluto make a U turn and start heading back out again and while it will take him another seven weeks to leave, this is the beginning of the end of a visit that had begun back in 2008.

In his final 12 days in retrograde motion, Pluto is looking to the past and along with Uranus, moving into his second month in retrograde motion in an adventurous part of your chart, he is holding the doors open to the past and second chances. While the dwarf planet Ceres will stay on in your romantic sector until December and Venus' early return next month means that she will be back before Pluto leaves, the days of having constant planetary activity in your romantic sector all year round are coming to an end. The Moon will make its romantic sector from 9th October to 12th October, in time to capture those final days in retrograde motion.

Meanwhile, with Saturn in his last full month in retrograde motion in your relationship sector and Neptune turning direct here in early December, they are both slowing down but on the relationship front, the focus is still on the past. With Venus in your communication sector until 18th October and Mercury from 14th October between them, the planets of love and communication will keep the communication lines open. With Venus spending her final days closely aligned with planets in your relationship sector, this will be just as Mercury returns. With the Moon in your relationship sector from 14th October to 16th October, this will be right when the collaboration between the communication and relationship gods will be at its peak.

Business & Career

On both the job and career fronts there is a sense of change in the air, but also a need to pause as the dynamics of this professional year prepare to shift. This makes the Moon's monthly visits to your work and career sectors an important chance to check in, get your bearings and a better read on what your sixth sense is picking up on. Because Pluto retrograded back out of your work sector last month and won't return again until next month, it will remain empty all month while slowing ahead of a retrograde turn in your career sector on 9th October, the planet of luck and expansion has the brakes on. This might make it feel like this professional year has run out of steam but is instead a chance to pause.

Jupiter has to come to a standstill in order to turn retrograde, so be patient if it feels like the brakes have come on, because they have. However, Jupiter's quest for professional growth and expansion will continue, but instead of focusing on conquering new ground, he is shifting focus to going back over old ground. Once in retrograde motion, Jupiter will pick up speed again, though if things are slow for the rest of the month take advantage of it, for it will be a different story next month. This is something that you might pick up on when the Moon moves through your work sector from 12th October to 14th October. This is something that every four weeks can give you an intuitive read on work and job matters and even act as a trigger.

What is significant about this visit is the timing. Not only will the Moon form a friendly aspect to Jupiter in his early days in retrograde motion in your career sector as it moves through, but it returns on the same day that Pluto not only turns direct but makes a U turn and begins his five and a half week trek back to your work sector. Not only is Pluto on his way back but when he returns next month he will be here for the next 20 years. It is a week later that the Moon will make its first visit to your career sector since Jupiter's retrograde turn, with a chance to check in and get your bearings when it moves through from 20th October to 22nd October.


Because the Sun will always spend the first three weeks of October in your income sector, the solar spotlight is always on your income situation, matters and options at this time of year. The Sun will always return on the September equinox and as where you find the Sun Venus and Mercury won't be far away, this is the time of year when the focus will always be on the income side of the financial fence. This is also the point in each year when the planets on the other side of the sky in your financial sector, where the focus is more on what you do with and how you manage the money you have will be in retrograde motion.

With that side of the financial fence always more active in the first half of the year, as money matters move into review mode income potential gets its turn. However, while planets like the dwarf planet Eris, the warrior princess of the cosmos has been in your financial sector for nine decades, your income sector is only active for a few months each year. However, this year, as you move into the new month there are four big differences. The first is that Venus, the planet of money has already moved through, leaving you with a lucrative sense of direction and paths already carved out for the money to flow.

The second is that the South Node has been here all year and this is what will turn a New Moon on 3rd October into a solar eclipse, creating the potential for major or unexpected new beginnings or opportunities. The third is that you have the asteroid Juno, the queen of commitment in your income sector for the first time in four years while the fourth is that for the first time since 2013, the planets are moving through your income sector while you have Jupiter, planet of luck and expansion in your career sector. Until leaving on 14th October Mercury is giving you the smart head for money needed to keep your head in the game and while the Sun will leave on 23rd October, Juno will stay on until early next month to tie up loose ends.


This is not just the first, last and only full month this year where there is no planetary activity in your health sector, it is the last time that this will be the case for another 20 years. After Pluto retrograded back out last month and before the planet of change and transformation returns next month, there is a chance to stand back, pause and look at things from a distance. When Pluto returns next month, he won't leave until 2044, making this a chance to take a break from having to reinvent the wheel. The Moon will return to your health sector on 12th October, the same day that Pluto will turn direct and start heading back. Until leaving on 14th October, this will be a chance to check in and listen to what your body is telling you.

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