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Sagittarius horoscope for July 2024

Mars only returns to your work sector every two years, but the six weeks that he will spend here can be the busiest of the year and not just on the job front, but with anything that keeps you busy or occupies your time. As you move into the new month Mars has been here for three weeks and leaving on 21st July, you are at the halfway point of some of the busiest weeks of the year. What is making this even busier but also more opportune, is that Mars had returned just two weeks after Jupiter left and wrapped up his 12 month quest for job growth and expansion in May. With the Sun, Venus and Mercury having recently moved through, Mars has picked up from where they left off and has run with it.

Starting the month with the Moon here will not only give you a read on Mars' influence from the start but will get the month off to a good start across the income, work and career fronts in a way that is a taste of things to come. Within just the first seven days of the month, Mars will form a friendly aspect to planets on the income and career fronts, drawing on the relationships that the Sun, Venus, Mercury and Jupiter have already forged. When Mars leaves and joins Jupiter in your relationship sector on 21st July the pace should drop back, but with Uranus staying on to ensure things don't go off the boil.

By the time Mars returns to your relationship sector on 21st July, apart from the Moon's visit from 3rd July to 5th July, Jupiter has been on his own for a month and after the Sun left on 21st June, giving you time to settle into what he will be working to make your most important relationship year in over a decade. By then you will have a good sense of what you want from your relationships and what they need from you, giving Mars something to fight for from the start. Meanwhile, as is always the case the Sun will spend the first three weeks of July in your financial sector, shining the solar spotlight on your financial situation and money matters. While Venus and Mercury will also start the month here, they won't stick around for long, with Mercury returning to begin the first planetary activity in your sector of adventure, travel, learning and discovery this year on 3rd July and Venus on 12th July.

Love & Romance

Since the Sun, Venus and Mercury left your relationship sector last month Jupiter has been on his own, but with everything needed to embark on the journey ahead. With Jupiter here until June 2025, this was always going to be a long term approach to relationship growth, with his return in May benefiting from the Sun's awareness, Venus' motivation and Mercury's ability to get the communication lines open. With all three not returning until just before Jupiter leaves next year, apart from the Moon's monthly visits, he should be spending the rest of this year and the early months of next year on his own.

While Jupiter will spend the majority of his time here on his own and he will have the support of Pluto in your communication sector for the majority of that time, there is still more water to pass under the bridge before you get to that point. On 21st July, a month to the day since the Sun left, taking the solar spotlight off your relationships and leaving Jupiter on his own, Mars will return for his first visit to your relationship sector in two years and for his first encounter with the planet of luck and expansion here since 2023. Mars returns with the passion and drive to help you fight for what you want from your relationships and what they need from you.

The Moon will make two visits to your relationship sector this month, the first while Jupiter is on his own and things have settled back from 3rd July to 5th July and then returning on 30th July to find Mars, the planet of passion and the warrior planet of the cosmos here. Meanwhile, on the romantic front, both planets are slowing ahead of retrograde turns, Eris on 22nd July and Chiron on 27th July. By the time Venus, the planet of love who returns to an adventurous part of your chart on 12th July moves into a friendly aspect they will both be in retrograde motion, with a mix of romance, adventure and nostalgia especially strong towards the end of the month. This will be especially potent when the Moon moves through your romantic sector from 26th July to 28th July.

Business & Career

July is set to be a surprisingly busy time for this point in the year. Both because with Jupiter gone from your work sector and the Sun, Venus and Mercury having already moved through by now and not due to return to your career sector until later next month, things should have dialled back. The reality is that they did, albeit for just two weeks. When Jupiter left your work sector in May and wrapped up his 12 month quest for job growth and expansion the Sun, Venus and Mercury had just left and as he handed the reins to Uranus, the focus shifted onto his long game.

With Uranus here until 2026 things won't go off the boil, but as he is playing a long game this is when it changed from a sprint to a marathon. However, it changed back to a sprint again just 14 days later when Mars returned for his first visit to your work sector in two years. Until leaving on 21st July, apart from making these some of the busiest weeks of the year so far, Mars will be working to exploit all the job potential that Jupiter had created during the 12 months he was here. Helping with that is starting the month at a friendly aspect to the dwarf planet Ceres on the income front and then just days later to the asteroid Juno on the career front.

Helping to get the month off to a good start across the income, work and career fronts will be having the Moon in your work sector during the first two days of the month. This will come together again when the Moon moves through your career sector from 10th July to 12th July, this time leaving you with your professional instincts sharp moving into Mars' final days in your work sector. By the time the Moon returns to your work sector from 28th July to 30th July Mars will be gone and while this will be a chance to take your foot off the gas, Mercury's return to your career sector on 26th July will see new doors opening on the career front.


Because the Sun will always spend the first three weeks of July in your financial sector, the solar spotlight is always on your financial situation and money matters at this time each year. Unlike your income sector, which has been continuously active all year, by the time you move into the new month it has only been two weeks since Venus and Mercury returned to begin the first planetary activity on the financial front this year and just 10 days since the Sun returned. In the scheme of things, there won't be a lot of time to focus on money matters, with Mercury leaving on 3rd July, Venus on 12th July and the Sun on 22nd July, once again leaving your financial sector empty.

From Venus' return to the Sun's departure, your financial sector will only be active for five weeks. While Mercury will leave you with the smart head for money needed to keep your head in the game and Venus, the planet of money the motivation and the Sun the awareness to stay on top of money matters, even though this would have been enough, this won't leave your financial sector empty for another year. Instead, in between Mars making two extended visits later this year and early next year, there will be no more than two month intervals between now and Jupiter's return in June 2025 to begin your biggest year for financial growth and expansion in over a decade.

This makes this annual check in the stepping stone to something that is set to grow and evolve over the coming year. In the meantime, the Moon's return to your financial sector from 5th July to 7th July will be both a chance to check in and use the New Moon this will create to promote new beginnings or to draw a new line in the sand. Meanwhile, on the other side of the financial fence, the dwarf planet Ceres is not only keeping things on track but with a lot of help from planets on the income and career fronts. Acting as a trigger for all these will be the Moon's return to your income sector from 19th July to 21st July. This will not only see the Moon come full circle from last month's Full Moon but to create a rare second Full Moon in just four weeks, each one acting as a powerful trigger.


You will not only move into the new month with the Moon having just returned to your health sector, but for its only visit while Mars, the planet of passion and the warrior planet of the cosmos is here. It has been two years since the Moon and Mars last met up here and it will be another two years before it happens again. With Mars not leaving until 21st July, this will give you a read on what your body is telling you and of his drive and motivation from the start. The Moon will leave on 3rd July but Mars will continue to inspire a more proactive approach to your health and physical well being. Mars will be gone by the time the Moon returns from 28th July to 30th July, but this will be a valuable chance to check in.

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