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Leo Weekly horoscope for Oct 21 to Oct 27, 2024

From the start, this week is going to have a different feel to it. Partly because just days after clashing as a Full Moon the Sun and Moon are back in harmony and partly because the other factors keeping tension high over the last few weeks are gone. Instead, several friendly aspects are making this a positive week on many fronts. One of those friendly aspects is between the Sun and Moon, something that during the Sun's final days in your communication sector before leaving Wednesday will help communication flow more smoothly. Especially if catching up with old friends or associates. It is just as the Sun leaves and joins Mercury in your home and family sector that his friendly aspect to Saturn in your financial sector peaks, making this a powerful time for financial matters on the front. This is also when Venus and the North Node will be getting together to power up the playful, creative and adventurous side of life's fence.

Love & Romance

Last year Venus, the planet of love spent less than 48 hours in your romantic sector but having already spent the early weeks of the year here she has returned to begin her second visit of 2024. Last year Venus' late return that meant she not only returned after the Sun had moved through, but didn't return until just as you were heading into the New Year. This year, with the Sun still over a month away, Venus has come full circle to start rather than finish off some romantically charged months. While Venus is here for less than four weeks and will be gone by the time the Sun returns, Mercury will not only return at the end of next week but won't leave until January. This is giving Venus over two weeks on her own, but from the start she has not only benefited from last week's Full Moon in an adventurous part of your chart but will work closely with the planets there. By as early as Wednesday you will start to notice the impact that this is having on the spirit of romance and adventure.

Business & Career

Thanks to a friendly nudge from the Moon over the weekend, Pluto is back in the game and is starting to move forward, which means that he is also on his way back to your work sector. It was during the Moon's final hours in your career sector that a friendly aspect to Pluto came just as after a week in direct motion the planet of change and transformation was ready to start moving forward. While still only inching his way forward, as Pluto was already slowing down when he retrograded back in last month, he won't be back to full speed any time soon. However, as well as a chance to move into the new working week with your professional instincts and imagination fuelled from the start, it is with a sense that the brakes have come off work and job matters. You will get another chance to check in when the Moon returns to your income sector over the weekend, something that once again will see it connect with Pluto as well as to Uranus on the career front.


Until the Moon returns to your income sector over the weekend, all the focus is on the other side of the financial fence. That has been the case since the Sun and Mercury both left your income sector last month, ending all planetary activity on the income side of the financial fence for the year. However, the Moon will continue to return every four weeks and as will be the case when it returns over the weekend, as well as sharpening your nose for money and acting as a trigger, it will connect with the planets on the job and career front that are now key to keeping income potential alive. Meanwhile, while the main focus is still on money matters but in a way that is settled, stable and locked in place, external influences are likely to fuel your financial confidence and a sense of resolve. This will happen in two hits, with Mercury's friendly aspect to Saturn in your financial sector on Wednesday a chance to tap into his resolve to do whatever it takes for as long as it takes, while Mars' friendly aspect to Neptune there over the weekend a chance to fire up old financial dreams.


As you move into the new week it has been nine days since Pluto turned direct in your health sector, but it is only now that the planet of change and transformation will be encouraging you to start taking steps forward. This is thanks to a friendly aspect to the Moon over the weekend, something that having had to come to a standstill in order to turn direct gave Pluto and anything stalled a friendly nudge. With Pluto now in his final month in your health sector, this has given you the confidence and the push to start making the changes that you either want or know you should make.

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